The Website of Erhardt Gestión Corporativa S.L. ( uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience. This Cookie Policy seeks to inform you clearly and accurately about the cookies used on the Website.
Cookies are small data files downloaded on to the devices of users when they access a website. They enable the site owner to store information on visits such as preferred language, country, access credentials and other options. Cookies are also used to measure audiences and website traffic parameters.
The cookies used on this Website are associated solely with anonymous users and their devices, and do not in themselves provide any personal data on users. Cookies play a highly important role and help to make the browsing experience better for users.
Cookies may be broken down into own and third-party cookies, depending on who manages the domain from which cookies are sent and how the data obtained are processed.
Cookies may also be classed as session or persistent cookies according to how long they are stored on the user's browser.
Finally, cookies may be classed as technical, personalisation, analytical, advertising and behavioural advertising cookies depending on the purposes for which the data obtained are processed.
The Website Owner may use own technical cookies for which there is no need to seek your consent, given that they are excluded from the area of application of Article 22.2 of Act 34/2002 of 11 July on Services for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.
However, this Website also installed cookies that require user consent. Information on those cookies can be found below:
Third-party cookies may also be installed if you, the user, share any content from the Website on social media. Such cookies are installed by the social media platforms where the content is shared, so it is advisable to visit the websites of the relevant platforms to learn more about them.
You are hereby informed that you may accept or reject the use of cookies on the Website and may revoke consent given at any time by changing the configuration of cookies on the Website via the pop-up window in the browser. You may also permit, block or delete third-party cookies installed on your computer via your browser. Bear in mind that if you disable all cookies some contents and functions of the Website may be affected. The operation required differs from one browser to another. Check the "Help" tab to learn more.